









The name of this organization shall be the Asian American Pacific Islander Democratic Club San Diego and shall operate under the name AAPI Democratic Club.



The purpose of the AAPI Democratic Club shall be to advocate for all Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders the equal human rights guaranteed to all citizens by the Constitution of the United States; to support AAPI Democrats running for elected or appointed offices; to organize and encourage civic engagement in the AAPI community; and to foster the ideals of the Democratic Party in the AAPI community, and contribute to the Party’s growth and influence.




Anyone registered as a Democrat or is ineligible to vote (due to age, non-residency or other legal impediment) but pledges to register as a Democrat when eligible, and supports the purpose of the Club as stated in Article II, above shall be eligible for membership in this Club.


Everyone eligible to be a member of this Club and whose annual dues are currently paid shall be a member in good standing.


A member in good standing shall be eligible to vote. No proxy voting shall be permitted.


Dues shall be recommended by the Executive Board and reviewed at the first meeting of each calendar year. Dues are due on January 1 and payable by January 31 of each calendar year. Annual dues for new active members shall be prorated on a semiannual basis. Payment of dues shall not be obligatory to anyone for whom it constitutes an economic hardship after due consideration and approval by the Executive Board. Dues in an amount set by the membership shall be due and payable upon joining the Club, and annually at the beginning of every calendar year thereafter.


Any member whose actions are judged to be prejudicial or detrimental to the Club by the Executive Board may be expelled from membership in which a two-thirds vote at any general meeting, at which a quorum exists, concurs. Members of the Club must be notified of the motion for removal ten days prior to the vote.




Elected officers of this Club shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Each shall be elected at the general meeting in January and hold office for one year. An elected officer may be removed from office by resolution of a two-thirds vote of the Regular members at a General Meeting for such causes as missing three unexcused consecutive meetings or nonperformance of duties, providing the membership and the officers have been notified ten days in advance of the meeting of the proposed action against the officer.


  1. President

The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Club. He/she shall preside over all meetings of the Club and the Executive Board; make appointments to other positions as required; act as official spokesperson of the Club including serving as Associate Member to SDCDP or designating an appointee as Associate Member. In addition, the President should stimulate active interest in the political process, provide a constructive role for the active volunteer; contribute to effective leadership and individual responsibility; promote harmony among the Club membership, between other Clubs and within the San Diego County Democratic Party.

  1. Vice-President

The Vice President shall serve at the direction of the President. He/she shall preside at meetings if the President is unable to do so, or is requested by the President to do so. The Vice-President shall take over the duties of President in the absence of that officer.  The Vice-President is responsible for the annual audit/financial review.

  1. Secretary

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the general meetings, executive committee meetings, conduct correspondence, maintain the Club’s records, and is responsible for internal communications.

  1. Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of dues, receive and deposit all Club funds received; maintain an accurate record of Club receipts and expenditures; sign all checks as authorized by the Executive Board; make the record of Club receipts and expenditures available to any member when requested; provide a report of the Club financial status at Club meetings as requested; provide an annual written report of Club financial status; make the books and all other financial records of the Club available to the Vice President for financial review each year in May. In addition the Treasurer shall be responsible for filing FPPC/FEC financial report on time as required.


Subsection 1 - The Club’s Executive Board shall solicit applications for each Executive Board position by distributing and posting a notice to the membership a minimum of 20 calendar days prior to the scheduled election. The notice should be complete with an application form that requests a candidate statement, headshot, and answers to a short questionnaire. Interested parties are required to submit a complete application to the Executive Board a minimum of 7 calendar days before the scheduled election.

Subsection 2 - Interested parties must be a member in good standing as defined by Article III, Section 2 and have attended at least one prior membership meeting.

Subsection 3 - Complete applications should be distributed to the membership together with the required notice calling for the Executive Board election a minimum of 10 calendar days prior to the scheduled election.

Subsection 4 - The officers shall be elected individually in the order outlined in Article IV, Section 2. In the event that every position runs unopposed, a motion electing the full slate is acceptable.

Subsection 5 - Voting will be by voice vote or if motioned and seconded by secret ballot. Those nominees who receive a majority vote from members shall be declared elected. If more than two candidates are running and no person receives a majority of votes cast, a run-off shall be held between those two persons receiving the greatest number of votes. The person receiving the majority of the votes shall be declared elected.

Subsection 6 - The members eligible to vote in an Executive Board election shall be all members in good standing who have been members for at least 30 calendar days prior to the election.

Subsection 7 - Floor nominations of candidates to the Executive Board are prohibited.

Subsection 8 - All notices related to Executive Board elections as referenced in this Section shall be posted to the Club’s website and emailed to the Club’s membership by their respective deadlines as outlined in this Section and all applicable Subsections.


Should any officer resign or fail to attend three general meetings or Executive Board meetings in a row without cause approved by the Executive Board, the Executive Board shall declare that office vacant and appoint a successor to that office to complete the unexpired term. Any such appointment shall, however, be approved by the membership at the next general meeting, in which quorum exists.  At that meeting, nominations to fill the vacancy shall also be accepted from the floor. Voting shall be by voice vote or if motioned and seconded by secret ballot.  The person receiving the majority of the votes shall be declared elected.


The President shall appoint a parliamentarian and any other officers not otherwise specified by these bylaws as required for the general well being of the Club.




There shall be a minimum of four general meetings each year, at least one of which shall be in January. Other general meetings shall be held at such times and places as specified by a majority of the Executive Board.


A quorum at any general meeting shall be 10% of members in good standing. A quorum of the Executive Board shall be by a majority of its elected members. (Amended 1-8-14)


The parliamentary authority is the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.


At least ten days prior to a general meeting at which the following items will be discussed and voted upon, meeting notices should be emailed to each member of the Club in good standing:

Club elections and filling of vacancies

Proposed amendments to bylaws

Proposed resolutions

Endorsements of candidates and/or ballot measures

Removal of members or officers

Such notice shall specify the time, place and date of the general meeting and describe the event.




The Executive Board shall approve all expenditures and carry out the Club business between general meetings in a manner consistent with actions taken at the general meetings, and perform any other duties provided for in these bylaws. The President shall pre-approve any written correspondence on behalf of the Club. The President shall be the sole spokesperson of the Club.


Membership of the Executive Board shall include all of the currently elected Club officers, and the current Committee Chairs.  All Executive Board members must be member in good standing as stated in Article III.


The President shall call a meeting, with advance notice, of the Executive Board as needed. Special meetings may be called by a majority of the currently elected members of the Executive Board at any time. A majority of the then currently elected members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.



The standing committees for the Club are as follows and shall include Political Action and Membership. Other committees may include Nominating, Fundraising, Programs, Special Events, Communications, Hospitality and others as identified by the President.




All endorsements of candidates or resolutions concerning ballot measures or public issues must be in accordance with the standards established by the California State Democratic Party and the San Diego County Democratic Party. It is also the tradition and stated goal of the Club not to make endorsements or to pass resolutions which will adversely affect the unity of the Democratic Party.


Only candidates who are registered Democrats are eligible for Club endorsement.


The quorum necessary for endorsements is 25% of the members in good standing. To be eligible to vote for endorsements, a member must be in good standing and have attended at least one prior meeting.  Voting will be by voice vote or if motioned and seconded by secret ballot.  To receive a Club endorsement, a candidate, a position on a Proposition, or a position on a public issue, must receive the vote of 60% of the eligible voting Club members present.



The Club shall affiliate as an associate member of the County Democratic Central Committee and pay the current annual fee.



These bylaws may be amended by a vote of 60% of the Club members in good standing, at a properly noticed membership meeting at which a quorum is present, provided that a summary of the proposed amendment is included in the meeting notice.



These bylaws shall become effective immediately upon their adoption by a vote of 60% of the Club members in good standing, and shall be the governing rules of the Club.


Date: April 8, 2013

Recorded by:  Miyo Reff, AAPI Democratic Club Secretary


Amended Article V Section 2, and Article VIII Section 3

Date: January 8, 2014

Recorded by: Judy Ki, AAPI Democratic Club SD President


Amended Article VIII Section 3

Date: September 10, 2014

Recorded by: Matt Yagyagan, AAPI Democratic Club Secretary


Amended Article IV Section 3

Date: June 27, 2020

Recorded by: Maggie Ta, AAPI Democratic Club Secretary






Adopted September 11, 2013; Amended June 27, 2020



Subsection 1 - The Secretary shall serve as the Teller unless the Secretary is unavailable or ineligible to serve, in which case the President shall appoint another Executive Board member to serve as the Teller.

Subsection 2 - The Teller shall determine that all members have ready access to receiving and sending e-mail in a timely manner. If an Executive Board member or member does not have timely e-mail access, the Teller shall contact the member by telephone or other means to obtain their vote.

Subsection 3 - When an e-mail vote is called for, it need not be the exclusive means of voting. An eligible voter may choose to cast a ballot by telephone or in writing, if signed by the voter, and received by the Teller within the time allotted for voting.

Subsection 4 - An e-mail vote is permissible only when it is determined that a matter must be decided before the next regularly scheduled meeting and that it is not practical to call a special meeting in the time available. A call for a vote by e-mail shall be made by either the President, by the Executive Vice President if the President is out of town or otherwise unavailable, or by a two-thirds majority of the elected officers. For e-mail voting purposes, a quorum shall be considered a majority of eligible voters and is determined as votes are received by the Teller.

Subsection 5 - For this purpose, a vote of “abstention” shall count as vote cast toward the quorum. If the Teller does not receive a number of eligible votes equal to or greater than the quorum by the deadline for voting, the election fails.

Subsection 6 - The Teller shall use all due diligence to assure that all Executive Board members or members eligible to vote have received notice of the vote to be taken and any information or discussion necessary to be fully informed of the matter to be voted on and the consequences of the vote.

Subsection 7 - The Teller shall set a reasonable time for response of not less than 36 hours and make the deadline a prominent part of the call for ballot. If the notice of the vote is sent out between noon on Friday and 8:00 a.m. on Monday, the time for response shall be at least 72 hours.

Subsection 8 - The Teller shall verify that the email was cast from an email address registered to an eligible Executive Board member or member.

Subsection 9 - The Teller shall not release any information prior to the final tally as to the number of ballots or the nature of the votes cast except ascribed below.

Subsection 10 - The Teller shall tally the votes and announce the results to the President or presiding officer if other than the president within 24 hours of the deadline for voting or as soon as number of votes cast is sufficient to determine the outcome.

Subsection 11 - Executive Board members or members are permitted to change their vote up until the voting deadline.


Subsection 1 - The Executive Board shall select a free or low-cost vendor that provides  electronic voting tabulation through a secure and accessible platform that uses 256-bit encryption.

Subsection 2 - To the extent possible, the electronic voting platform should send out unique voting links to each qualified voting member to allow for a safe and transparent process.

Subsection 3 - The Secretary shall be the Teller responsible for overseeing voting procedures. In the event that the Secretary is running for re-election or another board position, then this responsibility is transferred to a current Executive Board member that is not running for re-election or another board position and is appointed by the President. In the event that the entire Executive Board is running for re-election or another board position, then this responsibility is transferred to the President Emeritus.

Subsection 4 - The Executive Board should determine that all members have ready access to a computer and the internet in order to participate in the electronic voting platform. In the event that a member does not have access to a device, internet, or email, the Teller shall contact the member by telephone or other means to obtain their vote.

Subsection 5 - The Teller shall set a reasonable time for response of not less than 24 hours and make the deadline a prominent part of the call for ballot. If the notice of the vote is sent out between noon on Friday and 8:00 a.m. on Monday, the time for response shall be at least 72 hours. 



Adopted September 11, 2013


  1. The Club may endorse candidates providing the candidate is a registered Democrat.


  1. Endorsements are not given to more candidates than there are open seats for the office.


  1. All prospective candidates who are registered Democrats are notified regarding the date, time, and place of all relevant meetings and of the endorsement process at least fifteen (15) days in advance.


  1. In the event that only one Democrat has duly filed this notice requirement may be waived and the endorsement voted at the next regularly scheduled meeting.


  1. Candidates submit to the Club their endorsement request in writing or if applicable their questionnaire at least seven (7) days prior to the endorsement meeting.


  1. Endorsements may not be voted upon until the filing deadline has passed, unless the candidate is an incumbent or in races that have been identified as strategically critical.


  1. Upon recommendation by the Executive Board, the Club may endorse incumbents early and without a questionnaire.


  1. Voting on any endorsement shall be by secret ballot when requested by any member eligible to vote.


  1. The club may rate any ballot proposition as “Support,” “Oppose,” or “No Position.”



Adopted September 11, 2013


At the discretion of the Executive Board, the Club may choose to forgo a formal candidate forum, or to conduct a candidate forum in each race being considered by the Club.

The forum structure shall be as follows:

  • Candidate Opening Statements – 3 to 5 minutes, with candidates informed of the timing in advance.
  • Discussion – Question and Answer – 10 to 20 minutes
  • Closing Statements – 2 to 3 minutes for each candidate



Adopted January 4, 2023


The quorum necessary for endorsements is 25% of the members in good standing. To be eligible to vote for endorsements, a member must be in good standing and have attended at least one prior meeting.  Voting will be by voice vote or if motioned and seconded by secret ballot.  To receive a Club endorsement, a candidate, a position on a Proposition, or a position on a public issue, must receive the vote of 60% of the eligible voting Club members present.

Change to:

The quorum necessary for endorsements is 25% of the members in good standing. To be eligible to vote for endorsements, a member must be in good standing and have attended at least one prior meeting in the rolling 12 months period.  Voting will be by voice vote or if motioned and seconded by secret ballot.  To receive a Club endorsement, a candidate, a position on a Proposition, or a position on a public issue, must receive the vote of 60% of the eligible voting Club members present.


Line 3 All prospective candidates who are registered Democrats are notified regarding the date, time, and place of all relevant meetings and of the endorsement process at least fifteen (15) days in advance.

Line 6 Endorsements may not be voted upon until the filing deadline has passed, unless the candidate is an incumbent or in races that have been identified as strategically critical.

Change to:

Line 3: All prospective candidates who are registered Democrats are notified regarding the date, time, and place of all relevant meetings and of the endorsement process at least 5 business days in advance.

Line 6 Endorsements may not be voted upon until the filing deadline has passed, unless the candidate is an incumbent, in races that have been identified as strategically critical, or at the discretion of the majority of the executive board.